floyd_smithFor more than half a century Floyd Smith has been one of the biggest supporters of Salem Wildcats athletics.

Smith has been a boys basketball reserved seat ticket holder for 52 years. Smith has had the same seat in B.E. Gum Gym since the 1955-1956 season.

In addition to boys basketball, Smith has faithfully attended or followed all Salem Community High School sporting events.

Smith has been actively involved with the Salem Shriners for 50 years. Among his duties include raising funds for the Shriners Hospitals through the annual Salem-Centralia Shriners football game.

bob_jamisonA bad break in high school turned out to be perhaps the best break in the life of Bob Jamison, Jr.

During his sophomore year in high school, Jamison suffered a broken leg during the last day of two-a-day football practices.

While that injury for all intent ended Jamison’s athletic career on the gridiron, it directed him towards what eventually would be his adult profession.

Jamison spent the rest of that season spotting for broadcasts on WJBD Radio. It would be the first of many broadcasts in Jamison’s life.

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